****THIS IS THE BOOK I AM SO DESPERATELY LONGING FOR. If you, too, need encouragement oh how I want to point you to Erin's blog and her book!****
About her book:
You can click on the link to see the cover of the book... I am unable to get it to post here on my page.
Living Virtuously: Keeping Your Heart & Home
Non-Fiction 336 page soft cover
By Erin Harrison
In this helpful guide you will learn how to…
• face adversity and find joy in your circumstances
• clean and organize your home so that it is a haven of rest
• be frugal and meal planning
• organizing life so you have more time
• teach your children good work ethic while embracing motherhood
• control your words and actions
• keep your heart pure
• honor your husband
• find balance in all areas of life
By Erin Harrison
In this helpful guide you will learn how to…
• face adversity and find joy in your circumstances
• clean and organize your home so that it is a haven of rest
• be frugal and meal planning
• organizing life so you have more time
• teach your children good work ethic while embracing motherhood
• control your words and actions
• keep your heart pure
• honor your husband
• find balance in all areas of life
25% off until December 18, 2014
“I highly recommend Erin Harrison's new book, Living Virtuously.
Erin is an energetic wife and mother who has a heart to encourage young mothers to train their children to love God and to have a ministry mindset.”
~ Michelle Duggar
Mother of 19 Kids & Counting (Television Series)
“I have looked forward to this wonderful book for a long time. As I read the manuscript, I knew that thousands of women will be blessed to learn the things taught therein. The book is a totally captivating read filled with Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding!”
~ Debi Pearl
Author of Created To Be His Help Meet
“Erin uses her many trials in life to teach women all the wonderful truths and powerful insights she has learned from them, so they can live a life filled with love and virtue. Her book is a treasure chest of wise and practical information that will challenge and encourage you in your quest to become a woman of God, no matter where you are in life.”
~ Lori Alexander
Always Learning Blog Ministry to Women
Living Virtuously does not mean perfection. It means learning contentment, choosing joy, and being teachable. Victory and virtue are gifts given to those who persevere on their own journey that God has given no matter what life may bring. In this book, we will journey together through Proverbs 31 in the Bible, discovering the traits of a Virtuous Woman. I will take you from the spiritual to the practical, giving you a complete, well-rounded perspective of what it means to keep your heart and your home.
Readers Testimonials...
Hi Erin,
I received your new book in the mail yesterday. I’m about 100 pages in right now and it has been a blessing just to hear these things again and sometimes for the first time. It takes a willing lady to share such intimate things with an unknown audience. I just wanted to thank you for this beautiful book, it has encouraged me to be a better wife and mother. Sometimes it’s easy to just live life and not do your best everyday. Also, this book is probably the most visually appealing two colored book I have ever read. I love all the fonts and the cute backgrounds. You did a great job! Our family has truly enjoyed seeing you and your family throughout the homesteading dvd series as well (our 4 kids are ages 10-13), we have learned and tried many of the things we saw and I appreciate the many things you have done through Christ.
Continued Blessings,
Kim M.
I just have to say, your book is really wonderful! :) I discovered your blog back in May, and after reading it for several weeks, I thought, “I wish she would put all this into a book!” Lo and behold, just a few months later, you did! :) I was so excited to finally get a copy. The cover and layout of everything is beautiful. It is very nice that many chapters are so similar to the blog posts—they look like they have been hardly edited, if at all. It’s perfect! Though I am just eighteen and not yet married, your writings still encourage and challenge me. I have learned so much; you have given me many things to think about and work on before I do get married, if that’s the Lord’s will. I can’t wait for my mom to read your book and also another young mother that we know who is already interested in it. Though we are strangers, I am so grateful for you. Thank you for all your effort and hard work to help and encourage others. You are likely blessing more people than you will ever know!
Love in Christ,
Katie D.
Practical Help for Today's Christian Women:
This book is needed for today's women who have strayed far from the truth of their role as a wife and mother! Practical help and illustrations. Great inspiration !
~Mom of 10
This is by far the best practical GUIDE on how to live virtuously the way God intended. The pages are filled with recipes, Ideas, and HONESTY. Very Well written, and very encouraging, I haven't read a more helpful book in a very very long time. YOU WILL BE SURE TO ENJOY IT!
~M. lopez
A husbands guide as well!
I was given the opportunity to edit this publication, and from a gentleman's perspective I found that it was not only well written, but valuable to men as well as women. For every woman that finishes it and puts it where her husband can read it, he will benefit greatly. I haven't read a faith filled guide to life before this one, but feel it gave me a great perspective on how to have a happy healthy marriage, and appreciated Erin's view on life, faith, homeschooling and raising her family, as well as how she rose above the challenges she has faced in her life. I highly recommend this well written book to any and all!
~Jeff Catlin (Uncle Smiley)