Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Staring a new job...

Tomorrow I start a new assignment at Tyson. 

I'm very nervous...very.

I've been enjoying cleaning the new construction houses with my husband.  It's very hard labor but it pays well and we get to spend the day working together which we have always loved.

Tomorrow I will go to work....without him.  It sounds ridiculous, I know.. but we hate it when we are not together.  He'll be home the next two days while I'm working.

Next week he'll do some cleaning while I'm working.

I just pray that all goes well and that I can do a great job and get good reviews from the boss.  The temporary assignment is only through next Friday.

I keep praying for God's will for our lives.  If His will is for me to be at Tyson permanently, I pray that He will open up a position that I'm good at, enjoy and will be hired for.

I loved my first assignment there and hated the second.  The first one I did was in accounting.  I'm good with numbers and I love that.  The second one was a "no brainer" and I was bored and ready to go home constantly.  I hated being there.

The one I will be working starting tomorrow is probably another "no brainer" as it's in the printing department and the only job description was "little computer knowledge needed."

Book keeping is my thing - it's what I love and I'm good at it.  I'm in prayer that if God wants me to stay at Tyson that He will bring about some sort of position like that where I can be successful and happy.

Many prayers for tomorrow...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Our sweet Littlest one... Hannah, aka "LiL Miss Goose" and how our day went.

27 days of labor around the clock in the hospital that never stopped with this little angel is something I'll never forget but the joy this child brings to me is amazing.  Her name, Hannah Joy, is very fitting.  She is always happy.  It doesn't matter what is going on around her... she's happy.  She's full of joy and full of Jesus!

Last night I captured some cute pics of her.  I realize she's growing up so fast and that our time is fleeting until she has grown into a young lady.  She is still so sweet and gentle.   She tells me many times a day, "You're the BEST mommy in the whole world!"  She tells her Daddy the same thing about being a daddy.  

I wish I had more of her character, temperment, whatever it is that keeps her full of sunshine.

Here she is snuggling up Xander laying on her sweet Valentine's pillow her Nonna made for her and covered up in my blanket that she asked for and is now hers, of course.  :)  She's got Xander bundled up like a baby.  Who would guess he weighs over 21 lbs?!  

Do you see the joy in her smile?  in her twinkling eyes?  Oh, her Mommy sure does!

She's concentrating here while she puts on her chap stick from her Nana.  Nana lives here in the Ozarks near us.  She is who I call my "AR Mom" and we all love and adore her.  She shares her dog Izzy with us so the kids to get feel like they have a dog even tho we cannot have one at this time.  Izzy is asleep as I type this.  The girls have worn her out today!

Here my little angel has fallen asleep so peacefully.  It was relaxing just watching her sleep.  What a gift, a true gift from God she is.  God has blessed me with 4 amazing children that are a gift from Him.  Each one unique, yet the same and equally amazing.

Today Kenny and I spent 6 hours working on cleaning offices.  Our water bill would be cut off tomorrow but we made just enough tonight to cover it.  It will leave a balance of $5 but I know they won't cut it off over $5.  I'm so thankful God showed up and brought us this blessing just in time to keep our water on.

Some say you are not to work on Sunday.  Well, if you read His word... go and read about the ox in the road.  If you are Bible literate enough to judge me working on Sunday then I would guess you are Bible literate to know which story I am speaking of.  Besides, do you really think our loving God would want me to just not work today and let the water be cut off tomorrow especially when we have 3 little ones in this home?

I have been praying and seeking God with all my heart.  I've done this for what feels like a lifetime but there are times I seek Him harder than others.  He promises us that if we seek Him, we will find Him.  I'm doing all I can to learn more about Him each day.  I love and adore Him and I'm SO blessed for all He has done for me and given me and most of all for His ultimate gift of dying on that cross to save me from all of my sins.