Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blessing your Refrigerator :)

We need/ want things like our refrigerators to last a long time.  They're so expensive to replace.

I bought my refrigerator one year ago and it had become filthy.

This is an upclose of the fridge in ONE spot but the whole thing had gotten like this.
It looked to me like the girls had let a coke burst in there and never wiped it up because it was even on the food items in there.

Here you can see I just used a few items to clean these shelves:

1.  Old toothbrush
2.  Kitchen scrubber
3.  Wet soapy rag/ then rinsed to wipe with
4.  Bleach
5.  Dry towel to wipe everything drive.

Here you can see how clean it is.
I threw away stuff that was outdated or so close to empty that it wasn't worth keeping.

I scrubbed down (with a wet rag) each item before I replaced it in an organized fashion.

Here's the entire refrigerator scrubbed out!  :)
Yes, it's time to go grocery shopping.

I listened to music as I did this and sat in a chair part of the time pulled up to the fridge where it was easier on my back that squatting down.  

It doesn't have a bleach smell but has a clean smell... and ahhh It looks SO MUCH NICER!

I want to take care of what God provides me.
It's not that I'm trying to gain more.. but if we do not take care of what God has given us - then why would He want to give us MORE?  So we could use and abuse it?  Nahhh.

If your fridge is in a big mess, it takes about 30 minutes to do this perfectly.

You'll be SO HAPPY you did!  Every time you, your husband and children open the doors to the fridge it's refreshing.  It's easy to realize they need to clean up a spill.

And another GREAT THING - I can see EXACTLY what I have and what I need to go buy at the grocery store!  :)

Blessings from our home to yours.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Staring a new job...

Tomorrow I start a new assignment at Tyson. 

I'm very nervous...very.

I've been enjoying cleaning the new construction houses with my husband.  It's very hard labor but it pays well and we get to spend the day working together which we have always loved.

Tomorrow I will go to work....without him.  It sounds ridiculous, I know.. but we hate it when we are not together.  He'll be home the next two days while I'm working.

Next week he'll do some cleaning while I'm working.

I just pray that all goes well and that I can do a great job and get good reviews from the boss.  The temporary assignment is only through next Friday.

I keep praying for God's will for our lives.  If His will is for me to be at Tyson permanently, I pray that He will open up a position that I'm good at, enjoy and will be hired for.

I loved my first assignment there and hated the second.  The first one I did was in accounting.  I'm good with numbers and I love that.  The second one was a "no brainer" and I was bored and ready to go home constantly.  I hated being there.

The one I will be working starting tomorrow is probably another "no brainer" as it's in the printing department and the only job description was "little computer knowledge needed."

Book keeping is my thing - it's what I love and I'm good at it.  I'm in prayer that if God wants me to stay at Tyson that He will bring about some sort of position like that where I can be successful and happy.

Many prayers for tomorrow...

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Our sweet Littlest one... Hannah, aka "LiL Miss Goose" and how our day went.

27 days of labor around the clock in the hospital that never stopped with this little angel is something I'll never forget but the joy this child brings to me is amazing.  Her name, Hannah Joy, is very fitting.  She is always happy.  It doesn't matter what is going on around her... she's happy.  She's full of joy and full of Jesus!

Last night I captured some cute pics of her.  I realize she's growing up so fast and that our time is fleeting until she has grown into a young lady.  She is still so sweet and gentle.   She tells me many times a day, "You're the BEST mommy in the whole world!"  She tells her Daddy the same thing about being a daddy.  

I wish I had more of her character, temperment, whatever it is that keeps her full of sunshine.

Here she is snuggling up Xander laying on her sweet Valentine's pillow her Nonna made for her and covered up in my blanket that she asked for and is now hers, of course.  :)  She's got Xander bundled up like a baby.  Who would guess he weighs over 21 lbs?!  

Do you see the joy in her smile?  in her twinkling eyes?  Oh, her Mommy sure does!

She's concentrating here while she puts on her chap stick from her Nana.  Nana lives here in the Ozarks near us.  She is who I call my "AR Mom" and we all love and adore her.  She shares her dog Izzy with us so the kids to get feel like they have a dog even tho we cannot have one at this time.  Izzy is asleep as I type this.  The girls have worn her out today!

Here my little angel has fallen asleep so peacefully.  It was relaxing just watching her sleep.  What a gift, a true gift from God she is.  God has blessed me with 4 amazing children that are a gift from Him.  Each one unique, yet the same and equally amazing.

Today Kenny and I spent 6 hours working on cleaning offices.  Our water bill would be cut off tomorrow but we made just enough tonight to cover it.  It will leave a balance of $5 but I know they won't cut it off over $5.  I'm so thankful God showed up and brought us this blessing just in time to keep our water on.

Some say you are not to work on Sunday.  Well, if you read His word... go and read about the ox in the road.  If you are Bible literate enough to judge me working on Sunday then I would guess you are Bible literate to know which story I am speaking of.  Besides, do you really think our loving God would want me to just not work today and let the water be cut off tomorrow especially when we have 3 little ones in this home?

I have been praying and seeking God with all my heart.  I've done this for what feels like a lifetime but there are times I seek Him harder than others.  He promises us that if we seek Him, we will find Him.  I'm doing all I can to learn more about Him each day.  I love and adore Him and I'm SO blessed for all He has done for me and given me and most of all for His ultimate gift of dying on that cross to save me from all of my sins.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Living Virtuously: Keeping Your Heart & Home by Erin Harrison

****THIS IS THE BOOK I AM SO DESPERATELY LONGING FOR.  If you, too, need encouragement oh how I want to point you to Erin's blog and her book!****

About her book:

You can click on the link to see the cover of the book...  I am unable to get it to post here on my page.

Living Virtuously: Keeping Your Heart & Home

Non-Fiction 336 page soft cover
By Erin Harrison

In this helpful guide you will learn how to…
• face adversity and find joy in your circumstances
• clean and organize your home so that it is a haven of rest
• be frugal and meal planning
• organizing  life so you have more time
• teach your children good work ethic while embracing motherhood
• control your words and actions
• keep your heart pure
• honor your husband
• find balance in all areas of life

25% off until December 18, 2014
“I highly recommend Erin Harrison's new book, Living Virtuously.
Erin is an energetic wife and mother who has a heart to encourage young mothers to train their children to love God and to have a ministry mindset.”
~ Michelle Duggar
Mother of 19 Kids & Counting (Television Series)

“I have looked forward to this wonderful book for a long time. As I read the manuscript, I knew that thousands of women will be blessed to learn the things taught therein. The book is a totally captivating read filled with Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding!”
~ Debi Pearl
Author of Created To Be His Help Meet

“Erin uses her many trials in life to teach women all the wonderful truths and powerful insights she has learned from them, so they can live a life filled with love and virtue. Her book is a treasure chest of wise and practical information that will challenge and encourage you in your quest to become a woman of God, no matter where you are in life.”
 ~ Lori Alexander
Always Learning Blog Ministry to Women
Living Virtuously does not mean perfection. It means learning contentment, choosing joy, and being teachable. Victory and virtue are gifts given to those who persevere on their own journey that God has given no matter what life may bring. In this book, we will journey together through Proverbs 31 in the Bible, discovering the traits of a Virtuous Woman. I will take you from the spiritual to the practical, giving you a complete, well-rounded perspective of what it means to keep your heart and your home.

Readers Testimonials...

Hi Erin,
I received your new book in the mail yesterday. I’m about 100 pages in right now and it has been a blessing just to hear these things again and sometimes for the first time. It takes a willing lady to share such intimate things with an unknown audience. I just wanted to thank you for this beautiful book, it has encouraged me to be a better wife and mother. Sometimes it’s easy to just live life and not do your best everyday. Also, this book is probably the most visually appealing two colored book I have ever read. I love all the fonts and the cute backgrounds. You did a great job! Our family has truly enjoyed seeing you and your family throughout the homesteading dvd series as well (our 4 kids are ages 10-13), we have learned and tried many of the things we saw and I appreciate the many things you have done through Christ.
Continued Blessings,
Kim M.

I just have to say, your book is really wonderful! :) I discovered your blog back in May, and after reading it for several weeks, I thought, “I wish she would put all this into a book!” Lo and behold, just a few months later, you did! :) I was so excited to finally get a copy. The cover and layout of everything is beautiful. It is very nice that many chapters are so similar to the blog posts—they look like they have been hardly edited, if at all. It’s perfect! Though I am just eighteen and not yet married, your writings still encourage and challenge me. I have learned so much; you have given me many things to think about and work on before I do get married, if that’s the Lord’s will. I can’t wait for my mom to read your book and also another young mother that we know who is already interested in it. Though we are strangers, I am so grateful for you. Thank you for all your effort and hard work to help and encourage others. You are likely blessing more people than you will ever know!
Love in Christ,
Katie D.
Practical Help for Today's Christian Women:
This book is needed for today's women who have strayed far from the truth of their role as a wife and mother! Practical help and illustrations. Great inspiration !
~Mom of 10
This is by far the best practical GUIDE on how to live virtuously the way God intended. The pages are filled with recipes, Ideas, and HONESTY. Very Well written, and very encouraging, I haven't read a more helpful book in a very very long time. YOU WILL BE SURE TO ENJOY IT!
~M. lopez
A husbands guide as well! 
I was given the opportunity to edit this publication, and from a gentleman's perspective I found that it was not only well written, but valuable to men as well as women. For every woman that finishes it and puts it where her husband can read it, he will benefit greatly. I haven't read a faith filled guide to life before this one, but feel it gave me a great perspective on how to have a happy healthy marriage, and appreciated Erin's view on life, faith, homeschooling and raising her family, as well as how she rose above the challenges she has faced in her life. I highly recommend this well written book to any and all!
~Jeff Catlin (Uncle Smiley)

Just an average Saturday :)

Well today has just been an average Saturday.

Madi went to stay the night with Jessica after the ballgame last night.  She came home today homesick.  She gets that way these days... she was actually missing ME and I was sure missing her!  I say ME in all caps because she's a Daddy's girl all the way!

Sarah has been baking while Hannah has been playing.

Hannah has wanted spaghetti every night this week so tonight her Daddy is making her spaghetti.  She keeps asking constantly if it is ready.

Today she wore her favorite dress that was given to her by her friend Ashley.

She's doing her own pose, lol, so cute!!!  :)

OK so I think she's fabulous like her sisters.  She has my eyes... but the rest of her is a total combination of her Daddy and me.  :)  She got each of our best features.

We are planning to go home for a visit this summer (probably July) and staying from like Friday- Monday.  There are only a few on my list I want to see but I DO want to see them.  I hope the finances work out where we can do this.  We will stay at my best friend's house back home.  (Leslie!)  Kenny and I are the God parents to their children.  Our families are best friends.  Tony considers Kenny a brother and Leslie and I are like sisters and best friends all tied into one!

Tonight Kenny has youtube on the TV and we are taking turns picking out songs and singing with them.  Perfect fun and entertainment... and FREE :)  lol

Even tough he feels sick, he loves to cook so he made spaghetti and garlic rolls.

Spaghetti is waiting for me... my stomach is growling so I think I shall go eat!  :)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sharing my heart's desire with You.

My heart is heavy.

I set out to be this amazing stay at home mommy and wife.  Gosh I sucked.  I won't even go there.  I'll jump to NOW.

My heart's desire:  To COOK for my family which I never learned how.  My mother never cooked so I never learned how.  I'm not sure where to star but...  I need to make that a big priority.  I wanted to rise early and have SOME FORM of breakfast on the table for my children.  At this time in my life there is no money  to make breakfast especially when they get a free meal at school and arrive in time.  BUT... my heart's desire is to have SOMETHING wholesome on the table and PRAYER before they head off into the world to face the day.  To give GOD my first fruits each morning while exhausted.  I have to learn to sleep better..getting in bed at an hour where I can wake up and serve them.  When I was with * the last year I DID get up and make breakfast for him at 5:30 a.m. DAILY even when I DID NOT WANT TO.  But I wasn't working at the time.

My heart's desire is to BE THERE.  BE HERE.  To be at their activities the way I longed for my mother to be.  To hold them when they are sick and clean up their puke and make them feel loved, cherished and help them get better EVEN if it means being up all night and having to have a nap the next day as they nap sickly.  I want to be PRESENT in their lives.. not always chasing the next thing.  Not always looking for the next way to GIVE THEM MORE STUFF.  I want to be the mother that I want them to become and the BEST and ONLY way I can help with that is to BE THAT FOR THEM.  and YES, my heart LONGS to be that for them.

I want to serve Kenny as a wife.  I want him along side the girls to have a clean home, good food he doesn't always have to cook... and clean clothes always waiting for him.  I want to pray with him and FOR HIM. 

Yes, I do SOME of these things but not nearly all.  I know I'll never be perfect but I want to AT LEAST be a work in progress.  I want them to see a mother/wife with a SERVANT'S heart.  I want to be a MARY - not MARTHA from the Bible and part of that comes with PREPARING AHEAD.  

I'm not sure why I'm sharing this but I just needed to.  I needed you to know my heart.  I needed to share it.  Somewhere along the last few years I let that fade.  I used to have Proverbs 31 MEMORIZED.  I think verse 10 might be where it starts about being a wife.  I memorized all of that.  Yet now I will need to memorize it again and that's okay.

I've been cleaning all day and last night and things are looking better and my heart is easing.

Today is about Keep Going!

Of course I was not able to finish off a messy house tonight.. so..

Today is about KEEP GOING!

So, I've been working and getting more laundry done and doing the main things that need to be done first.  The coffee table can now be seen!  :)  LoL!

It's just something that is a work in progress but the key is to KEEP GOING!

So I've worked and worked and now I am taking a break and seeking a blog that is about an every day Christian Mom just like me... 

Needing inspiration.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Serving my family

Earlier this evening I wrote about the oh so messy house and "Am I Enough?"

Well it's almost midnight and I have been relaxing and reading encouraging blogs for Christian mothers and doing laundry, dishes etc..  Doing what I can, when I can, as I can.. just as I stated.

As I said earlier, my husband being very sick, has been making sure dinner is cooked but as I visited the kitchen tonight hungry.. I saw that it was even messier than I realized.

How can he possibly be cooking dinner with nothing clean to even cook in?
It hit me.  He's washing dishes THEN cooking!

So tonight, I am trying to be a servant to my family.  (as mothers and or wives our FIRST mission is our OWN families, please, please never forget or question that)  

I am by NO MEANS bragging on what I'm doing.  I'm only doing what I am SUPPOSED to do.  But I looked in that kitchen and realized how much harder it is for him to make dinner having to first do dishes THEN cook.  He's very very sick and he's still making sure we have dinner.  Some of you may see that as my place but I've had a kidney stone and we work together so we share the household duties as well.  It is what it is...for now.

I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher to finally clear out one side of the sink.  I'm praying for the strength, no pain and he desire, quite honestly, to get it all clean so that when he wakes up in the morning he walks into a clean kitchen.  NO I'm not doing it so he will come and say what a wonderful wife he has.  (he says that when I'm at my worst)  I want him to wake up and have some stress off his shoulders.  Tonight I am not hurting so much so I am making the best of my time and while I start to grow weary in what I'm doing.. I'm seeking more Christian Mommy blogs to read to encourage me to keep going!

Please, let me encourage you ... Keep going.  It doesn't have to be perfect.  Just keep going.  One foot in front of the other.  One day at a time.  Will I ever arrive?  I doubt it.. but each day I pray that I will remember to be a servant to my family and to put them above myself and do what I can to bless them.  

My oldest has grown up and is off at college.  The next in line is 14.  I look at that and gasp!  I have 4 years left with her before she starts college.  She's one of my best friends EVER and in 4 years that will FLY by she will be spreading her wings!

Back to my point..  something helping me keep going is the knowing that I'm blessing my family AND reading other Christian mother's who are blogging about their normal, less than perfect lives.  Do you have any great blogs like that to share?  Do you write one?  Please comment and share.

I'm giving up on having the perfect house and the perfect ETC but I'm going to do my best for God and for my family... and I'm going to fall down but I pray I will always get back up again and keep going!

Am I enough?

Me - the mother of four... not to mention a wife.
A child of God, most importantly.
But, am I enough?
I look around.  I literally stepped on dirty clothes in front of "Mount Washmore" tonight as I started a load of laundry.  Just a year ago, it wasn't this way.  I had it "all together."
Did I have another baby?  No.  Was I working then?  Yes.  What changed?  I don't know.
I was stressing all the time - me and everyone around me that everything had to be just perfect.   You see, years ago I had a VERY messy house.  I made the decision that was NOT going to happen with "ME" again.  Yeah well -- I'm eating my words.
There are dishes in the sink... oh but let's not stop there - there are dishes on the counter beside the sink needing washed. 
I'm tired.  I passed yet another kidney stone last night.  But is that the reason the house is so messy?  NO!  It was messy BEFORE I got the kidney stone.
The Christmas tree AND decorations are STILL up.
Am I enough?
Deep breath.  Well, here's what I know - I'm God's child.  He loves me even at my worst.  I can't compare my life to all of those who at least SEEM to have it all together.  I've been in homes messier than mine is at this moment but I've FOR SURE been in many more that were much cleaner.  I have precious children.  They make BIG messes.  I make messes and so does my hubby.  We are LIVING LIFE. 
We have little money but we are making it.  My children obviously have enough clothing that "Mount Washmore" can exist and I can still lay out clothes for tomorrow.  I have to say we are BLESSED.  My husband and I work hard.  We love God, each other and our children FIERCELY.  My hubby is sick.  He's been sick.  Yet he carries on.  Just like tonight - cooking dinner.
I don't feel so great about myself tonight.  If you knocked on my door, I would not let you in.  I'd smile and say it was not a good time for visitors.
So what do I do?  Well, I guess I start with doing what I can as I can and not stressing myself or everyone else in the home about the messiness.  So is that enough?  Well, it's all I can do.
I'm hurting.  Once you pass a kidney stone, your kidneys and everything else are simply torn up from that little "cocklebur" looking thing having bounced around all in there and then passing through.  OUCH!  I have no pain meds because I passed it at home.  I went to my doctor today and because I passed it already - he can not give me anything at all to take and the ibuprofen isn't cutting it.  I'm doing the best I can... or am I?  I guess I always feel I need to do a little more.
Let's go back a year.  The house was almost always company ready.  It was clean, the laundry NEVER had more than one load and it was washed immediately.  OCD was in full effect.  I couldn't stand for the kids to make a mess without me saying again and again, "you know that has to be put back up perfectly when you are finished."  I'm sure that did not excite them in their creativity as I kept reminding them.  Sometimes I saw them just put it away... not even continuing to play.  Were we happy?  I thought so... but no.
We were living in "my little perfect world" I was trying so hard to create.
So I share this to say - Moms - you ARE enough.  If your house is a mess but your children are happy and your family is in harmony with Jesus.  Be content.  Don't beat yourself up.  One day our children are going to grow up and all we will have to "clean up after" is ourselves and our hubbies.  That will be much more simple but much less fulfilling I think.
So let it go.  Just breathe.  Give yourself a break and do what you can, when you can, as you can.  Don't stress everyone in the house out about it all.  Let your children be children.  They grow up far too fast.  Let them see it's perfectly okay and normal not to have everything perfect.  Don't set them up to have the standard of everything being "just so."
Breathe.  Tomorrow will come and you can do more...
..... so can I.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

4 of the new pics I took of Madi Grace :)

I had this beanie special made for her exactly as she wanted it.  I took over 100 pics so I took some without it that I will post later.  Here's one of my beautiful girls from Sunday afternoon.

This last one is my favorite so far with the beanie on.  :)
What do ya think?
I think she's beyond beautiful... just look at those blue eyes!!
She was blessed to get those from her sweet Daddy!

One Thankful Mommy, Cass

Monday, January 19, 2015

Leaving the social media circus that is facebook!

After many years of being on Facebook it was time to go.  It's time to leave those in my past just there - in my past.  Holding onto Facebook wouldn't allow that.  There was no way to go through thousands of so called "friends" on there and delete all that needed to go... so I left.

Was it scary?  Well admittedly I felt a little sad as I left... there are those I wanted to hold onto but then there were those I wanted to let go of me so a decision was made.  Time to go.

I only need positive, encouraging people in my life and I frankly don't need to know everyone's business nor want them to know mine.  Almost no one knows of this little blog.  Maybe 3 people that are from my past.  And they're worth holding onto.  The rest?  I have to let go. 

I have a huge biological family and just to delete them off there would have taken forever.  I need to escape the drama and crap that they reel me into.  So.. that's it.

Is there something holding you back from your peace?  Facebook was causing me to have less peace.  My peace is worth more than that.  God will bring those into your life that need to be there and sometimes as hard as it may be (family or friends) you just need to remove people from your life. 

Feeling free,

Monday, January 5, 2015

God is so Good!!

TRUST ME... it's not EVERY day that I'm cleaning my bathroom singing, "This is the Day that the Lord has made!"  But today I am.  Today I am focusing on my blessings.  Today I am living in the praises of what God has given to me, done for me and continues to hold for our future as The Little Family.  

I claim that all God has for us that we will be in a position to recognize and be grateful for and share with others!

Earlier today my mind was consumed with other things so my husband suggested I put on a movie and just not think.  I was worried.  Stressed.  He put on a Nicholas Sparks movie I haven't seen and I thought I had seen them all!  :)  I did and I just said, "God I give it to you.  I can't do it.  It's gonna take a miracle."  I should have prefaced my last post with this one.  

I want you to realize that it's not every day that I'm feeling so up and my faith so lifted.  But those days come and they come more often when you WATCH FOR THEM!

I'm watching.  May my eyes not be turned away from the Lord and distracted by anything.

To Him I give ALL Glory and today truly is a day that He made... and I will rejoice and be glad in it.  JOIN ME!  :)

A Child of THE King,


When cleaning a home becomes a MIRACLE

TODAY is January 5th.  My rent is due.  I have $0  to go to my rent.  I have barely enough to keep gas in the truck.  A friend, my husband and I just kept trusting God was going to provide.  We KNEW He would.  The 5th came today and I admit my heart sank some.  I texted the landlord who is intolerant of late rent and let her know my rent would be late with no response.  
Today I did as my husband said and I just quit thinking about it.  The Bible tells us that worry won't add a day to our lives.  ( but we all know it can cause lots of health problems!)  

Well tonight, my friend called.  I was sharing good news about my mother.  (another post)  She interrupted me and said, "Would you like to hear the GOOD NEWS???"  I said, "yes, Praise God, tell me some good news!  I need it!"  She said I talked to Joey ( a man she works with) and you've got two new construction houses you can clean for $200 each!  PRAISE GOD!  That's a tad bit over half my rent!  She said and if you do it perfectly and quickly I think I can get you two more!  PRAISE GOD!  I am humbled.  

Sometimes God is a "in the nick of time" God.  He wants us to see that it is HIM and ONLY HIM that is providing.  We think a job will provide but people that have had the same "secure" job for 30 years get laid off.  We deceive ourselves in thinking JOBS PROVIDE.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm not saying we sit around being lazy and say, "welllllll..... God will pay the bills somehow....yawn."  NO!  Put some feet to your prayers!  Give God something to bless!  HE WILL!

Who knew that cleaning two homes would be a miracle for us?  And if we do really amazing and do it fast, we might just get two more!  And that would pay ALL my rent and late fees!  And on top of that, there are TEN more of those houses being built that we can try and get!  I don't want to be greedy.  I want God to use those houses to bless those who need it like He is us but you bet if He chooses us I am going to be entirely fully, humbled and grateful!  YES, God answers prayers.  He's STILL ALIVE!  

Have faith, my sisters, because He sees you in your need and He won't forsake you.  He promises not to forsake us!  I'm excited!  Thrilled!  THANKFUL.  HUMBLED.

His provisions may come in the most unexpected, mysterious ways- but they *WILL* come.  Do not lose faith.  Keep your faith strong and claim His blessings!  Tell Satan, "You don't win!  I'm a child of THE King!"  

I fail.  Oh I fail daily, hourly- who am I kidding?  I'm the greatest sinner thus I need Him even more.  I try hard, I pick myself back up and I try, try again.  I'm strong and I can take a lot... but then there comes an end to me... and it has to be ALL GOD.  

I need to learn NOT to come to the end of me because I never need to go to *me* for any of this.  I'm human.  I can't determine anything...change anything...fix anything but a boo boo for my babies and some supper.... but my GOD - He can change EVERYTHING!

So if you are heavy burdened, or you need your Spirit lifted - go claim Psalms 91 over your life OUTLOUD and DAILY!  Watch for God's hand in the SMALLEST, TINIEST of things and you will begin to see His hand in HUGE ways!!!!  Please be encouraged.

My entire reason in posting this is for my children to one day read and be encouraged and for YOU -whoever GOD sends to read this to be ENCOURAGED IN HIM, IN YOUR FAITH IN HIM.  

Go and get on your knees because THAT is where you WILL WIN the battle.  Standing tall and strong on your own - you will fail EVERY time eventually.  But on your knees, you cannot and I mean CANNOT fail.  He won't let you fail.  You, dear sister, are a CHILD OF THE KING and if you are not, please message me and let me tell you of His great love and forgiveness.  I'm the worst of all sinners so do not be afraid to approach me with anything.  It is GOD's place to judge, NOT MINE!  Judge; lest you be judged in the same manner that you have judged.  I will not bring that upon myself!

Be encouraged.  Have FAITH in Jesus!  Let your spirits be lifted high!!!!
A child of THE King,